Dababy Dababy Dababy

May 21, 2021

I mean c’mon lets evaluate something here if you’re a dababy fan and you’re reading this then you can’t deny that he is a complete breath of fresh air. I mean

Are you kidding me right now, anyways this guy is extremely underrated just saying and on that note in this very short writeup, i bring to you the top 10 dababy songs and collabs that if you haven’t heard you’ve probably been living under a rock. LETS GOOOOOOOOO

  1. Babysitter
  2. Said sum
  3. Masterpiece
  4. Pick up
  5. Beatbox
  7. Cash Shit
  8. Crybaby
  9. Blind
  10. I DID IT

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you when I see you, pls a reminder about Dear DEE and Influencer of the day challenge, you can also suggest what next I could write about anywho peace out

